Our Story is One of Small Beginnings.
Through fasting and prayer, the Lord highlighted Genesis 1:2 and the growth of something new in Winters, CA. We believe Winters, CA is strategically placed as an agricultural suburb of the greater Sacramento area and Northern Bay Area. It is growing and will be a desired area to live in years to come as we see it shift from a primarily agriculture town to an agriculture/commuter hybrid for the greater metropolitan Sacramento and San Fransisco Bay areas. Winters, CA has immense potential to be an area of influence and revival in Northern California and beyond.
Our Vision is Clear.
Our church exists to see all people experience new beginnings. We envision a culture of unchurched, under-churched, and de-churched people becoming Biblically centered, missionally minded, Spirit-filled disciples, advancing God’s love and what Jesus did at the Cross in California through missions, discipleship, and revival.
Our Mission is Simple.
Be a Community that Connects People to Jesus, Cultivates Healthy Relationships, and Creates a Transforming Culture.
Our Core Values keep us Focused.
1. Encountering Jesus: We Believe Jesus is Who He said He is.
2. Engaging God’s Word: We believe in the Authenticity, Authority, and Applicability of the Biblical narrative. We Believe the Bible is God’s Word for People and Culture present-day.
3. Experiencing God: We Believe God’s Presence is Real and Relevant for today.
4. Empowering Families: We Believe in Cultivating Healthy Families who Influence their Community.
5. Equipping People for Life: We Believe Discipleship is Vital for a Healthy Individual and Healthy Community.
6. Excelling in Relationships: We believe in Authentic Relationships and Connections.
7. Embracing Community: We Believe all People are Important to God, and He wants to reach them all.
Our Priorities help us keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.
1. Presence
2. People
3. Process
Jeremy and Mayte Swift
Our Worship Service goes about an hour and 15-20 minutes. As you enter you will be greeted by a host that can direct you to the bathrooms, lobby, kids check in, or answer any questions you have. We will begin with our Worship, with a announcement break in between, and then go into our message. Afterwards, we have Coffee Connect where we encourage everyone to stay and connect with each other.
Yes, we do have a Children's Ministry, called Genesis Kids. Genesis Kids is a safe place for your child to meet other kids, have fun, and learn about Jesus. Check in for Genesis Kids is before and at the beginning of every service.
Yes, we do have a Family Room you can take your child to in case Genesis Kids is not a good fit for them. We want our Family Room to be a safe place where you can still hear the message and be able to spend time with your child as well.
The very first thing that we believe that we want you to know is the following:
God is real.
God loves you.
God wants to meet you where you are at.
God doesn't want you to stay where you are at.
If you are interested in know what we believe at a more theological level, our beliefs can be summarized in four main points. First, we are a church that believes in the authenticity, authority, and applicability of the Biblical narrative. We believe it is inspired by God and is for culture today. Second, we believe in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus as the Son of God whose work at the Cross made a way for us to be with God. Third, we believe in the current work of the Holy Spirit that points people to Jesus, empowers people to live a life for Jesus, and glorifies Jesus through Spiritual Gifts, Prophecy, and Miracles in our modern day. Fourth, we believe loving God and loving people are the two most important aspects of our Christian walk.
If you would like to know more you can also learn more at our About Us page.